In her former life, Widowmaker was married to Gérard Lacroix, an Overwatch agent spearheading operations against the Talon terrorist organization. After several unsuccessful attempts to eliminate Gérard, Talon decided to change its focus to his wife, Amélie. Talon operatives kidnapped her and subjected her to an intense program of neural reconditioning. They broke her will, suppressed her personality, and reprogrammed her as a sleeper agent. She was eventually found by Overwatch agents, apparently none the worse for wear, and returned to her normal life. Two weeks later she killed Gérard in his sleep.
Her mission complete, Amélie returned to Talon, and they completed the process of turning her into a living weapon. She was given extensive training in the covert arts, and then her physiology was altered, drastically slowing her heart, which turned her skin cold and blue and numbed her ability to experience human emotion. Amélie was gone, replaced by "Widowmaker," Talon's most effective assassin, and feeling little save the satisfaction of a job well done. As far as Overwatch knew, she had been kidnapped.
Widowmaker was present in an anti-Talon operation conducted by Overwatch, as a force led by Jack Morrison rescued a number of scientists that Talon had taken hostage. While Overwatch was successful in this regard, Widowmaker was able to take out a number of agents. The operation led to a sniper duel between her and Ana Amari, as they made their way throughout the urban terrain. Ana was able to temporarily incapacitate Widowmaker, hitting her in her helmet. But upon seeing Widowmaker's face, she froze, recognizing her as Amélie. It was all the time Widowmaker needed to take her own shot, shooting Ana through the barrel of her rifle and into her eye.
Widowmaker was sent to King's Row to assassinate Tekhartha Mondatta, the Shambali leader, as he made a speech. As she made her way to her vantage point, she reflected upon how she had been frightened of spiders as a child, drawing an implicit comparison to Widowmaker herself -- neither one felt emotion or had a beating heart. She lowered herself, upside-down, off the side of a building using her grappling hook and began to line up her shot. However, unbeknownst to her, Tracer was also at the speech. Just before she could press the trigger, she was distracted by Tracer blinking through the air towards her, pistols firing. The two engaged in a rooftop chase as Mondatta was ushered away, having been warned by Tracer. In the end, Tracer's pulsebomb backfired and blew both of them into the air. As she fell, Widowmaker took careful aim, and fired a single bullet at the center of Tracer's chronal accelerator. Tracer blinked forward, and the bullet sped on -- straight into Mondatta, killing him moments before he entered his limousine. Tracer tackled her to the ground, demanding to know why she would do such a thing, but Widowmaker just chuckled, whispered, "Adieu, chérie," ("Goodbye, love,") and slammed her into the side of a building. As Widowmaker flew away on a Talon aircraft, she completed her internal dialogue: Despite what people said, spiders do feel -- when they kill.
Widowmaker teamed up with Reaper as part of an attempt to recover Doomfist's gauntlet. She was hindered in this by Winston and Tracer however. The mission was further complicated by a child stealing the gauntlet, and using it against her. After Tracer disarmed her, she made an escape with Reaper using her grapple, though both agents engaged in pursuit.
Widow's Kiss : Widowmaker's primary weapon. Widow's Kiss has two firing modes, which are switched between with the secondary fire button. The standard firing mode is a submachine gun, similar to Soldier: 76's Heavy Pulse Rifle, though with less accuracy and a larger magazine. The secondary firing mode is a sniper rifle that zooms in Widowmaker's vision and reduces the firing rate to single shots. A charge meter is visible while scoped that fills over time, with the damage of the shot increasing the more the meter is filled.
Grappling Hook : When activated, Widowmaker shoots out a wrist-mounted grappling hook. If the hook impacts a solid surface, Widowmaker will pull herself to the hook. She maintains some of the pull momentum after arriving at the hook's location. If the hook does not impact a solid surface, it will return to Widowmaker and not be put on cooldown.
Venom Mine : When activated, Widowmaker fires out a small mine that attaches to the first solid surface it impacts, arming itself after it lands. If an enemy walks near to the mine while it's armed, it will detonate, poisoning them and any nearby enemies with a toxic gas that deals damage over time. The mine has a Health pool, and will be destroyed if it takes enough damage, preventing the detonation.
Infra-Sight (Ultimate) : Widowmaker's Ultimate ability. When activated, Widowmaker and her team temporarily gain infravision, showing them the location of all enemies by highlighting their silhouettes with a red glow when they are behind walls or other solid surfaces. Widowmaker can see the remaining duration of Infra-Sight on her UI. (Source : Overwatch Wiki)